Friday, December 11, 2009


"By focusing on your loved ones, enjoying or building holiday traditions and following the Savior's example of service, you can give yourself and your family true, lasting Christmas gifts." ~Someone anonomously profound, I'm sure

"The gift of Christmas isn't wrapped up in presents or parties. The gift of Christmas is Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, the Son of God. As you follow Him, you put people first.

You spend less time in lines and more time serving others. You may spend less money on and more time with the people you love. You may lose yourself and you may find everything else that matters." ~also a quote by anonomous someone profound
These two people are the best examples I can think of for those who TrueLee lose themselves in the service of others.

Christmas season once again. I love the true meaning of this season. When I think of the humble first Christmas I am overcome with gratitude for our Heavenly Father and sweet Mary who was such a beautiful, valiant, virtuous mother of the Son of God. I can hardly wait to have family close and almost all together again for a few minutes.