Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's Birthday Time Again!

Happy Birthday to Beth! Having a birthday on December 30th can mean that you may get overlooked nearly every year. We wish her a successful, fun filled year. We love you, Beth. Beth is the best sport in every aspect of life. She takes Sophia's attitude that she inherited from her dad. He's kind of full of nonsense sometimes, and the rest of the time he's fairly opinionated, so she is a good sport, if you know what I mean.
Beth has the nicest parents in the universe, which is where we think she got some of her fabulous traits. They are supportive, loving, kind, and accepting. She's like that too.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Beth, Happy Birthday to you. (Now, let's sing it again, while you blow out the candles, only it will be an octave higher.)
What are the chances that Beth will get a Jones nephew on her birthday? Maybe they will name him McBeth!


Beth said...

Hi Elise -

Thanks for the call yesterday and I forgot to say thank you thank you for this very sweet birthday present!!

Love Beth

Beth said...

Thanks Mom. We had a fun birthday for Beth with jonathon and Bredon coming over for Indian food. Nice evening and I'm sure Beth's excited to share her birthday with yet another person.