Monday, October 5, 2009

55 and still alive

"Mom, why don't you ever post anymore?" said Alyson. My response is sorta lame, "I don't know, I guess I'm not using my time effectively anymore." Obviously, my daughters help me out with every project I undertake. An excuse I'll use is that I like to spend my time with grandkids and I don't seem to find time to get to the computer.

But those are both excuses, so today I am posting. Happy Anniversary to these two couples today! I remember the happy day for both of these couples like it was yesterday. Do you think Chris looks like he's full of just as much bull as he was that day?

What I remember about Joe & Mariann's day was that we couldn't find anything for Alyson to wear so she wore her dress made out of the tablecloth that was WAY too little for her, but Joe and Mar were a stunning couple. They still are, only more distinguished looking.

So there you go Al! I posted and I'm here to say I'm 55 and still alive. Can someone tell me about all the Senior discounts I can get now?


Marie said...

First Wed. of the month at Fry's- 10% off your groceries. They link it up to your Fry's VIP card, so it works when you use your card. (You only have to fill something out once) my dad is 55, and my mom can go shopping without him and still get the discount. I know other stores have similar deals, so I look into them for you:)

Kirk and Aly said...

Yay Mom! Sorry to give you guilt, it's not like you're not making 25 dresses, or watching 5 million kids or anything. You're great!

Happy Anniversary Chris and Beth!! I remember that day, too. Remember it was the day I announced I was pregnant with Lizzie? I think I was trying to steal their thunder. :)

Guthrie's said...

Wow! A Star Quilt! And Grandkids! You are still amazing!