Monday, January 25, 2010

Mutual - Dude! This is fun, can we do it again?

We've been visiting week night mutual activities as part of our ward conference visits. I love being with these youth. They are so full of life and goodness. I wouldn't have believed that kids would like ballroom dancing, but this activity was planned by the Priests (16-18 year old boys) and despite the resistance from a couple of the girls, they all seemed to have fun learning ettiquette and smooth dance steps. I would call it a successful activity. Direct quote from one of the resisters: Dude! This is fun, can we do it again?

1 comment:

Kirk and Aly said...

Will you come teach our ettiquette class/dinner/dance we have coming up? I'm not in the mood to plan another big party!

Thanks so much for all your help today - you're the fweety!