Wednesday, May 9, 2012


My mama is the best! Last Sunday in our Sunday School class, each class member told about someone who had sacrificed for them.  Since we are the teachers, there wasn't time for us to share and I probably would have bawled anyway.  Over and over I have thought about how many times my mom has sacrificed for me.  Who can count the ways or the times a mother sacrifices for her children?  Mama continues to show a true example of Christlike love and concern for everyone.  She is always making a meal, or doing something for someone else.
 For many of the years that I've been married, she didn't say anything about equal time as we spent every Sunday evening at the Jones' grandma's.  She just made the most of every time that we were together.  By doing so she has set an example of how to be a better mother and mother-in-law, by allowing family to celebrate occasions without the drama of equal time expectations.  She moved far away from her mom when she was first married and spent many holidays with her in-laws, always providing the meal and the party.  She has carried me on her back in the rain, down the muddy canal road when I was in 1st grade.

She has sacrificed in more ways than I can say, she's cried with me, patted me to sleep, and been a perfect example of charity.  I love every second that I get to be with her.  My sisters are so much like her as they go about doing good to all.  They already have it figured out. I hope someday to be half as good as her and them. I am truly blessed!

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