Monday, January 7, 2008

The back end

I never realized that Joseph may have also ridden the donkey between Innkeepers. Our nativity re-enactment brought new meaning. It may have been very thought provoking.


Guthrie's said...

I love the part of Christmas where you act out the Nativity. Good Job To the Donkey in yours. I'm afraid to take pictures of our Nativity's because I'm afraid my kids aren't too reverent about it. They have way too much fun. Like last year when Brad was the wise man with his chemistry goggles on and a stack of hard books in his hands and Scott being the angel with a lamp wired up to his head. Or the year that Rhonda was a Shepherd and did a Karate Kick at the Angel because He scared her. Good Memories!

The Jones Fam said...

I finally posted our Christmas pictures... pretty much more of the same!