Thursday, January 3, 2008

Conglomerate in 2008

Welcome to Jones 2008! This is the master of the house, the master of ceremonies, head honcho, Dad. We sang "We're all together again, we're here, we're here..." but we didn't get any pictures of all of us together, so here's a sampling of us when we were all together recently.

Philip and Melissa with several of their children.
Aren't we all glad that Sophia got Beth's eyebrows?

We have six siblings sporting the same smile and Jake wearing his Grandma Jones shirt.
And thats the end of the story. Ahhhh! Read it again, Dad!
. . .and if anyone got home with pictures of the Nativity dramatization, I would appreciate at least one picture of Joseph and Mary on the donkey, the shepherds, sheep and wisemen, not to mention the Innkeeper. Thanks!


The Jones Fam said...

Dad I'm so impressed that you posted! You're so tech-savvy! I'm so glad you posted the pictures of all the sibs. Way fun. And we did get several shots of the nativity with Caleb straddling the donkey behind Noelle. I'll post them on our blog hopefully this week. I would do it now, but I'm at home with dial-up (yes we're still in 1997), so I'll have to do it at school sometime this week. Sure love and miss all of you!


Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Okay, so at first I totally didn't get the Grandma Jones comment and then Julia reminded me that just throw in some white keds and a little flower print added onto the shirt and we have G-ma Jones reincarnate.