V-day, For the love!
Some might say Happy V-Day but when I think of V, I think of Vicks. And when I think of Vicks, I think of Morgan Bates and Vicks. I think of whiny requests to wrap a dark sock around his Vicks swathed throat and pin it with a big safety pin. Are you kidding? For the love! So for all of you, Happy Valentines Day! This mama and papa love you whether or not we have to swath with Vicks and wrap with a dark sock. What I'd give for a picture of Morgie wrapped in a Vicks covered sock.
Happy VD! So, speaking of Vicks, I think it's the wonder-drug. I've lathered Oakley in it today and it's totally done the trick for his cough! I did think, however, back to Morgie, and thought, "Maybe I should pin a colored sock around his neck," but instead just went with it. But, did you know, there is now a new vicks cream that totally rubs in and is not greasy at all? It's amazing and clean.
That's all. I love you guys!
Vicks is also very handy when encountering patients that smell. It's a little trick of the foot trade. Just dab a little bit in each nostril, and juicy diabetic foot ulcers no longer smell like hot garbage- just Vicks!
This may also come in handy when working on stinky mouths for all you dental-esque people. I know the warnings on the label said it's not supposed to be put in nostrils, but what do they know?
MOM! Where is your jacket?! You must have been freezing!!!
Hey kids, did you know about Vicks scented kleenex? The lady at Walgreen's gave me one on Saturday and said it's the only kind she gets now.
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