Thursday, August 5, 2010

made my day

"Gratsmylations!" Oakley exclaimed. Doesn't that just make your day? Here are just a few of the things that have made my day, lately. First of all, having a clean truck makes me happy and the Liahona girls had a camp fundraiser car wash. Parker was so happy to visit this weekend. I love that he treats me like a favorite. Isn't he big?
Liz picked fake glasses for her school accessory of choice. Can't wait to see her with them.
Then our stake did an amazing service project and the young women had the opportunity to go buy shoes for a school for homeless children. It was Marina's birthday and she was there selecting shoes for someone else. I came home and found that Kevin had snuck in my house and done the dishes. Now there's a way to get on my good side! Yesterday while Oakley was saying a blessing on the food, Reese folded his arms, so I praised him, then looked at Nate who gave the "I'm cute" look and immediately folded his arms for a second or two. Totally made my day. You'd think they were in their white shirts and ties, they were so reverent!

And then this morning, we had a Mary sighting. We hadn't seen her for a couple of months and I was worried that the summer had been too hot for her, but no, she's still eating the garden. Yay! My day has been made, yet again. Such simple joys. I think I need to start looking for and recording all the tender mercies and simple joys of my days. Little philosophizing moment: This life is a journey of happiness as we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, not to happiness, but a path of happiness on the journey of life. Have a happy day!


Sara! said...

Made my day today to get home and learn that you had the day off! Hope you slept in and got all sorts of things done. Thanks for all you do!

P.S. Tell Mary "hi" for me!

The Jones Fam said...

What fun things! You sure have some cute grandkids. I'm dying to see Lizzie's glasses. Thanks for letting us come trash your house last weekend. You're #1.


angiedunn said...

thanks for being my buddy in line the other night! it was great to see you. you are one amazing lady!! ♥ya

hi de ho said...

THS has a saying on the back of their volleyball T-shirts - "There are no little things". I'm not exactly sure what that means, except all these joyful moments are certainly not little things!! Thanks for the reminder.