Thursday, May 3, 2012


I have loved Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy Mystery books for a long time, but we've had a couple of mysteries lately that I could use some help with. 
Mystery # 1: The deadbolt on one of our doors wouldn't lock.  We haven't used this door so it hasn't been a big deal, but I had a huge surprise when I found the culprit. AAAAHHHHHHH!!! This huge spider has built some kind of baricade AAAAHHHHHH!!!! I just am completely freaked out by it.  Usually I'm okay with spiders, but yikes, I'm terrified.  Mystery # 1 is no longer  'why won't the deadbolt lock?' but who is going to clean this out for me? Give me a scorpion any day!
 Mystery #2: Even though I delete all of the pictures from the memory card every time I download, Dennis Brandon is the first picture on each and every file.  I like Dennis, don't get me wrong, but why is he haunting my computer?   Can anyone help me figure out this mystery? 
Just so that I can stop obsessing about the mysteries, the apple blossoms are beautifully fragrant, just so you know.  Can somebody help me with Mystery # 1?  I don't even care about Mystery # 2, which someone probably knows more about.  Thanks!


Sara! said...

AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I can help you with #1, move back! We don't grow spiders like that here. I have goosebumps!

Kirk and Aly said...

A spider web that barricaded the lock? Yikes! Ask Chris to help you with that one - he likes spiders, right? :)
And maybe your camera has a secret crush on Dennis Brandon. He's kinda cute. haha.
Love ya!

The Jones Fam said...

#1 totally gives me the heebiejeebies!!!!! On our computer the text for the description of mystery #2 is black against black background... so at first I thought I was supposed to figure it out on my own. And it really was a mystery!