Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Grandmas are Earthangels!

Generousity and Selflessness! Two blessings I receive from so many. I'd just like to spotlight one such friend. Semi-annually I am blessed with an amazing new plastic canvas creation, lunch out and Arlo entertainment from this friend of nearly 19 (count them) years. Bless her heart, yesterday was no exception~Birthday celebration 2007.


angiedunn said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! I'd totally sing to you, if I was in front of you. {And Chloe would clap}

Here's to another year of your fabulousness!

jack+alli said...

aw dang...i didn't know it was your birthday, and YOU let ME cut you in line?!

MeL said...

Wow, you are so lucky to now have 38+ plastic canvas creations! Dibs on inheriting those when you die! Ok, not that that is soon or anything, you're as healthy as a horse! ANyhoo, I love you Momma! And I LOVE so much that you put Arlo on your blog! Way to take one for the blogging world team!

nicole and kevin said...

That is the cutest plastic canvas women I have ever seen. (And I've seen some good ones) Whouldn't that be nice to always know you have a pretty good white elephant gift stock pile. I think I would put that in your year supply.
p.s. Your birthday card is on the way. I swear!

Sara! said...

So, where did you get to go? Bonanza, Sweet Tomatoes or MiAmigos? Nice picture, where's Scootles?