Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Grandmas are Earthangels!

Generousity and Selflessness! Two blessings I receive from so many. I'd just like to spotlight one such friend. Semi-annually I am blessed with an amazing new plastic canvas creation, lunch out and Arlo entertainment from this friend of nearly 19 (count them) years. Bless her heart, yesterday was no exception~Birthday celebration 2007.


angiedunn said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! I'd totally sing to you, if I was in front of you. {And Chloe would clap}

Here's to another year of your fabulousness!

Anonymous said...

aw dang...i didn't know it was your birthday, and YOU let ME cut you in line?!

MeL said...

Wow, you are so lucky to now have 38+ plastic canvas creations! Dibs on inheriting those when you die! Ok, not that that is soon or anything, you're as healthy as a horse! ANyhoo, I love you Momma! And I LOVE so much that you put Arlo on your blog! Way to take one for the blogging world team!

nicole and kevin said...

That is the cutest plastic canvas women I have ever seen. (And I've seen some good ones) Whouldn't that be nice to always know you have a pretty good white elephant gift stock pile. I think I would put that in your year supply.
p.s. Your birthday card is on the way. I swear!

Sara! said...

So, where did you get to go? Bonanza, Sweet Tomatoes or MiAmigos? Nice picture, where's Scootles?