Friday, December 28, 2007

worth the wait

Here ya have it! Kev and Nicole's reaction to their Christmas gift." Christmas Gift" is a tradition at our house with absolutely no limits on how to "get it" on someone else. It has to be yelled as loud as possible before everyone else says it. At least one representative from every family tried sneaking in the back door, because of the inevitable front door greeters.
I had wondered why our archway has a gigantic crack - now I know. Thanks a lot Kevin! Christmas Gift!

Part of the "Bowling Bullets" (said in a British accent).

Generally speaking - One continuous party! Confusion, fun, food, festivities!


Guthrie's said...

What a fun, Fun, FUN family you have! Merry Christmas & Happy New year too!

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

We need more pictures and more information!!! Post a part 2!!

Sara! said...

Mom's the best party maker! For some reason while looking at the pictures and reminiscing, I started singing, "stay on the sunny side, always on the sunny side..." That's just how it feels!