Saturday, September 20, 2008

more than sleep walking

My friend and I speedwalk for exercise nearly every morning of the year. Recently we had an experience that has caused much deep thought and prayers since. This morning I read a scripture that applies: "Pray ye, therefore, that their ears may be opened unto your cries, that I may be merciful unto them, that these things may not come upon them." (D & C 101: 92) So please know that I share this experience, begging for you to teach your children correct principles.

It was dark at nearly 5 AM as I approached the corner where my friend and I meet. I thought I could see her sitting on the sidewalk tying her shoe, but as I approached I became aware that it was a young woman sitting in the middle of the sidewalk, curled in a ball, dressed in only a tank top and panties, loudly crying. What was I to do? My friend was not there yet. I said a quick silent prayer, then approached the woman. I asked if I could help her. She stopped wailing and stated that I could help her by calling 911 because her boyfriend abused her. After repeating her instructions to me she resumed her mournful crying and I did as she requested. As I was talking to the dispatcher, giving her discription and our location (a busy street corner) she stood up, looked around and started walking. The dispatcher asked if I could still see her so as my friend joined me, we followed her at a distance. She stepped on something in the street and because she was barefoot, had to brush it off. That seemed to trigger something in her and she started running. Following her to give directions to the dispatcher became more difficult as she ran through the dark neighborhood streets. Suddenly she turned on us and began charging at us yelling filthy words, hitting my friend as she told us to stop following her. Luckily, the dispatcher got the full effect of her instructions to us as the police arrived.

The young woman seemed relieved that the police were there, as were we. She talked to the officer, and my friend and I resumed our walk, having ready made conversation. We decided that it would be a total bummer to have a bad dream and then sleep walk out to the busy street, although neither of us believe that is what really happened.

This experience made me so very grateful for the values that I choose to live by. Several lines in The Family - A Proclamation to the World come to mind: "we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." May we each, today, do those things that would "promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society." I truly believe that "happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ."


The Jones Fam said...

I still can't believe that story. We're doing our best to teach good principles. In fact, Amy is our modesty cop. I just hope those principles of modesty will stay with her when her friends are trying to get her to buy a yellow mini-skirt and wear it to 7th grade. But that's just hypothetical, huh Aly? I'm just hoping for a VERY long awkward stage. We sure are blessed to know what we know.


Guthrie's said...

We have a "Walk Away the Pounds" DVD that you could do in your house. I don't think it would be quite as heart racing though. Maryanne and I are always commenting on how the rest of the world is missing out on the wonders of early morning. Maybe I'm glad I missed out on the wonder that you had. I hope I'm teaching my little girls those important moral values.

Beth said...

Happy Birthday Mom!!! We love you very much. Hope you have a wonderful day on a golden birthday of sorts, talk to you soon-
Love you so much,
Chris Beth and Sophie