Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reassuring thoughts...

This morning at 6 AM I received a text from Sara saying "Jim and Tom Ewald were identical twins and I could tell them apart. We'll be fine!" Now I know Sara hasn't been sleeping well since she found out that she's having identical twins, but honestly, it's a stretch to think this gave her reassurance. So today I have been thinking about things that reassure me because I haven't been sleeping well at night either. It is reassuring to me that Sophia and I can wear the same type hat and we're both so cute. I am reassured when it rains now that a sheet of water isn't going to drench us as we walk out the front door because Melvi's birthday present from the kids, the Japanese water spout drainer dealiwhacker works like a champ. It's amazing.I have loved the rain of late, haven't you? But it seems that after every storm we have scorpions, ants coming out of light switches and a ton of crickets. Bugman DeRayEarlHarold says that will happen. Not real assuring! I guess I can rest assured that we haven't been evacuated from our home and the bugs haven't taken over 100%.

Oakley is two. He's been trying to figure out how everything works. He knows how to turn the hose on now and apparently isn't quite sure how to turn it off. Look at Sara's face, everything will be okay.It seems that nothing is serious around here. That is probably good because you either have to laugh or cry, and crying always gives a headache.

Rest assured the chair legs we just got were not labeled in the USA but then how do you want your leg cooked?
This WAS in the USA so rest assured that English is a difficult language.We're going on a pioneer trek on January 1,2,3rd and I am trying to get in shape so that my heart won't give out during the trek. Caleb is my motivation. Do you think I can be in as good of shape as he is by then?
Also, we are hosting a wedding reception in our back yard the first part of October. I am a little worried about what to do with the swing set. It is not going anywhere. Should we use it as a backdrop or just part of the line? There are two swings, should we use them for the pictures?

Come on, give me some reassurance here. I'm not sure what to do. Maybe Jim and Tom can come over and we can guess which one is which.

1 comment:

Guthrie's said...

It's reassuring that your sense of "Huber" is still in tact. Surely you will have a happy day!
Love ya,