Tuesday, February 16, 2010

sharpest tools

"One of the adversary's sharpest tools is to convince us that we are no longer worthy to pray. No matter who you are or what you have done, you can always pray. Prayer is your personal key to heaven. The lock is on your side of the veil." ~Boyd K. Packer, "Prayer and Promptings," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 43-46

As a kid, I used to hate when the opening song in Sunday School started with "Ere you left your room this morning did you think to pray?" I never had. I did pretty well with the canned prayers at night, but the really heartfelt faith kind of prayers -- not there too often. I guess I needed to have a little opposition in my life to find out that I really do need my Heavenly Father every hour and I need constant secret prayer. As my heart has turned to heaven I have seen the hand of the Lord daily in my life. Just this last week as I was with our sweet Parker, I was reminded clearly that God lives and is in His heaven. He loves us and wants to bless us. His Son Jesus Christ is our advocate with the Father. Jesus extends his loving hand constantly and loves us perfectly. He will plead our case with our loving Father. Satan may have sharp tools, but they will never be able to pick the lock to heaven's door. That key is prayer and I am so grateful for it.


granny said...

Thanks for the reminders. Great advice.

You were up early....

Planet_Tiwi said...