Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Locked door

The bathroom door was locked. Noelle was supposed to be having her shower. All was quiet, no water running. When all was said and done, Noelle admitted that she didn't know that she wasn't supposed to shave her legs. Does anyone remember shaving the big line of skin off the shin bone? It still makes me shudder to even think about it. This should be on Alyson's blog but her camera is being crazy so here's proof and Kirk now has a dull razor.


The Jones Fam said...

I think shaving the skin of your skin is like a rite of passage for every pre-pubescent girl. The thought of it truly gives me the shivers.

About the tornados- we totally got gypped! It was kinda windy and a little stormy, but no tornados to speak of. Then today they were issuing severer weather warnings and tornado advisories again, but then they recalled them. I was pretty disappointed, but then I thought about my plants and flowers and how they would probably all get ruined if there was a true tornado- so that's my consolation.

The family tornado isn't quite as calm- it's a little chaotic. But I can handle the doses I'm getting. I don't know how people with 12 kids do it! Everything is just always crazy and messy!!!

The Jones Fam said...

I meant skin off your shin... not skin of your skin. I'm a lame-o.

The Fletchies said...

Very much an experience all girls had and I must admit I don't know how I feel about the word pre-pubescent. I think it usually happens around 3 too if not careful with your razor. Daniel shaved his tongue once while Aunt Susan (on our other side)was babysitting us. That one will make you shiver.