Thursday, June 28, 2007

Salt Lick Project

Hi Todd! Salt Lick! Honest, I'm not grimacing. I love Todd. And Willa too. Don't feel left out Willa! Oh, shoot, her head is down and she's feeling neglected. I bet she feels left out, and she's not in the picture. Poor Willa. Hi Todd, again!
Beth and Chris are expecting. Expecting this project to get finished, expecting a baby, expecting to pass the bar, expecting a lot of fun in the future. They are great hosts and treated us like royalty, and fed us oh, so well. Beth got us tickets to see Les Miserables and we got to sit on row G in the middle. I could actually SEE and Dad could actually HEAR. Other than Chris who kept comparing characters in the play to Muppet characters, we all loved it. It was, all in all, a greater time than we expected. We'll follow with random shots of the vacation. I'm saving the lady walking her cat shots "for camping."


Changing table that Beth put together by herself with her trusty hammer. She also assembled the crib 100% by herself.

This was such a rewarding project because Chris and Beth were both so excited with every new row of rick rack. One thing I do have to say about painting is that Beth can paint circles around me. She came home from work as I was contemplating putting off the white trim until the next day. She jumped in and painted half the baseboards while I was still loading up the brush. She's amazing in the way she can just get things done. Way to work with slow poke, Beth.

BN~Before nursery... little Sophia would have been very stimulated in this room. but she may have had anger management problems. I do love the color and it made me sad to change it but June bud and serene sky did turn out very cute, with clouds in the serene and a cute huge sun light fixture that Beth found at IKEA. Which by the way, Kev, could you see your way clear to come install?

This may have been the scene just before the next picture. I'm not sure.

Stick in your thumb, and pull out a plumb... or hit it with a hammer and then work all day, later to find out it's broken. I'm not going to put in the picture of the splinted thumb because even though the doctor told him to keep it on for 4 ~ 6 weeks, it stayed on for 4 ~ 6 hours before he was back to work on the porch.

Do you think it's a good idea for dads to be invited to a baby shower? Just a question.

Cute Beth at her baby shower. Note~ Chris wasn't allowed to open any gifts.

Who knew this was Todd's secret hiding place? When we looked down to see two piercing black eyes staring at us, heart jump start. Also, some of the biggest cobwebs you'll ever see reside here. Wishing Alyson was here to play "Tarantulla" for us, so the spiders would have music to spin by. As it was, I think they were a little intimidated by Dad's XM radio.

Chris and Beth's rotting out front porch~ya gotta start somewhere.

We're in waist deep. Where do we go from here? Looks like Dad's going to have to come back next week and clean up his mess. Wait, I think we left that for Chris and Beth to do. Sorry guys. We love Salt Lick!


The Jones Fam said...

Looks like fun! I can't wait to see the finished product of the porch project. And Sophia's bedroom looks even better than I imagined! I love Chris and Beth's house... I want to marry it. Mom- I especially love the picture of you "not grimacing"... the camera never lies!

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

I prefer to call it Salt Lickity Lake. Much more catchy.

The Willa said...

You wanted us to get a picture of mom "enjoying" the company of The Tod and the Fat Wee. Taa daaaa!
(from the Willa: Close up shop! Close up shop!)

Taaadaaaah! (I wanna big bag a little donuts)

HooHoo said...

Salt Lickety Lake! I LOVE IT! Ya, we'll go with that. You are so funny!

angiedunn said...

It's official. I love your family. And that is such a TO DIE FOR crib set & I'm loving that changing table! Congrats Chris & Beth, so so happy for you & all the exciting things that are goin' down! Cutest post. That's all.

Kirk and Aly said...

Beth is so such a cute pregnant girl! I love the nursery! Good job Mom and Dad!

Sara! said...

The description of Dad's thumb looking like he dipped it in pickled beets is exactly what it looks like. But what I do better with is what did it SMELL like? It probably didn't smell, but that's where I can get very, very precise. Good job on all the work. And EEEEEWWWWWWW to all the spider webs. Was it really Todd's eyes or some 5 foot spider with black eyes the size of golf balls? I'm guessing the latter due to the size of the cobweb and am therefor never going to Utah again.