Saturday, June 30, 2007

Working Hard vs Hardly Working

Teamwork yaah, teamwork yaah! Dad and Chris are a great team. They have almost finished the porch that was so far from being done last week IN ONE DAY. Dad's pretty sure he can finish on Monday and then take a spin on Chris's (how do you properly show ownership here?) motorcycle for his reward. So I guess there needn't be a sign posted that says SLOW men at work nor Slow children at play, for that matter. Speed demons galore! Way to go boys. We all want to be on your team. Sorry Melissa, that Dad took all the power tools to Utah but don't worry, he thought ahead and also took his helmet. He must be a scout or something.


Sara! said...

Look at all the notches Dad's move up on his belt! Way to go Rambo!

Kirk and Aly said...

Go boys!! I like dad's sweatband! Awesome! Chris, you'll have to hurry and get your blog up and running to show us the completed project!