Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Too Good to be True!

Are you kidding me? In my mind, nothing is too good to be True.
My mom is True.
Yesterday was her birthday. I wish I would have taken a picture of her yesterday, because she was so pretty getting ready to have lunch with her temple lady friends. I'd like to give reasons, maybe up to 74 (which is how many years she has been practicing being True) disputing this saying:
First off, she walked uphill in the snow to school all her school days. Then she walked home from school, uphill in the snow. My dad was attracted to her in the snow, and threw a snowball to get her attention. At that time she said that she would be True forever. She knows about cold. She knows about Russian ice and bitter cold, she endured it with a song in her heart and on her lips, with a cheery countanence. She is True.

-True can plan and carry out a party with the best of them. She works up a program and is a great master of ceremonies. She plans food, and does assignments and invitations, often with graphics. It makes her happy to see people eat heartily.

Dr. Lariat, anyone? She knows the value of hard work or "working off a good meal."

-True is concerned about others and treats each person she meets with respect, love, understanding, humor, and warmth. She looks for the good in people.

It truly makes her happy to see her family having a good time.She has been frugal with her resources. Taking care of produce from the garden, making ends meet, not acting like it's a burden but a blessing, is another way that she is True. She also expresses gratitude to Heavenly Father for everything. She is a woman of faith.Once, Dad planted eggplant. She didn't know what to do with it, but she made all kinds of dishes with it. Waste not, what the Lord has given us, is another True doctrine.-True has always sponsored creativity. She seems thrilled when others share talents or anything that they have learned with her.

-True is always all about feeding with good food. She has always been very compassionate and has made millions of meals for others. She does not believe in "meals on wheels" or "grazing" however at her house. You sit at the table to eat off from a real plate, not in front of the TV.

-True keeps traditions going. Except for wearing her fall vest for Thanksgiving this year, making me lose a bet with Marie. (I will pay, I can be True in that way.)

True always lets others help. She makes them feel so important in telling them profusely how nice what they did looks and how they did it better than she ever could (sorta not true).True is true to others feelings. She would put up decorations that someone lovingly made for her, even though she perferred something else, to make them happy. True loves the Savior. She is true to God and her fellowmen. She is quite literally a latter-day Saint. She is honest, true, chaste, benevolent... full of faith and good works. She is virtuous in her thoughts, words and actions. I have never heard her swear or use any crude language. She a lady. She is lovely, of good report and praiseworthy.
Not, too good to be true, but Be True, Be True and stand for the right. That's my mom, True forever.


Guthrie's said...

Too True! Aren't we so blessed to have a mother "who knows" who is True! Thanks for the wonderful tribute to our Mom!

The Jones Fam said...

We sure love Grandma True! She has always been so youthful and fun. I think she's the one who said, "Life begins at 60". Fun lady. Fun Grandma!

Kirk and Aly said...

Grandma True is a amazing lady! One of my favorite stories of her being a truly great mom was when she met you at the bus stop at the end of the canal road with an umbrella on a super rainy day! What a wonderful example she truly is!! We love her so much!!

Marie said...

I used one of her True stories in my stake conference talk. (The skunk/bad music one) She is also Truly famous, as people still refer to it when they talk to me.
She's amazing! (very nice post!)
Elise, since betting is bad, I'll let you off the hook. Pies all around!