Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Motorcycle Man

He is coming home today. He picked up a new motorcycle in Wisconsin on Friday. Went to a fish fry, then onto the BMW dealership for two new tires and brawts, to Jake and Natalie's for fun and church, then onto a schenic ride through Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, to home. Riding is top on his love list.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What's the big DL?

Oakley has taken quite a liking to Bruce. They are MFEO, just like brothers. You don't have to worry about either one if they are together. But on second thought maybe you should. DL=Digging Lively They were in the "desert" digging together the other day. We now have a hole deep enough for a small tree, or child sized wading pool. It's pretty great. DL=desert living
DL=Dog lollygagging. Bruce loves to "ettack" all of the stuffed farm and wild animals. The small pig no longer has back legs.
If you've been around, you've heard of my "dive for the live" story. Here it is in a nutshell (or dog's mouth), as it is in this case. Bruce caught a bird and immediately ran into the house with it still flapping between his teeth, for my approval. He dropped it at my feet by the dining room table and before I could do more than gasp, he grabbed it up and ran over under the piano with it. I told him, "Bruce, you can't be in here with that!" He immediately grabbed it and started upstairs. I went into shock and exclaimed, "Bruce, you can't go up there with that!" I sent him outside for lunch. So what's the big DeaL? We (Kevin and Nicole, Melvin and Grandma) have a bird dog. With that statement I'm afraid that you're all going to think that Grandma is now a Dog Lover. DL=Dog Lover.

That would be a switch and a big DeaL.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Doggonit #1- Bruce really likes Brynn. She is so sweet! He can't get quite enough of her (yuck). Doggonit all over it! Doggonit #2- I love pictures of fun events but have a timing disorder. I missed the shot of the cake with the 75 candles blazing and of Dad blowing them out.
Here's what I mean. I was pressing down while he was blowing, but when the shutter finally clicked, this was the image. He said that those left were his 39 grandchildren that he loves (not 39 fat girlfriends, like we would say at the Jones house).

And Doggonit #3- Too many hot days and these beauties are not going to last through the weekend. I'm so sad because when they are gone it means HOT.


Monday, April 14, 2008

8 seconds

Melissa thinks she was on the buckin' bronco for at least 20 seconds. I beg to differ, but it was the most entertaining eight seconds I've had in a while. Check her blog for other great pictures. My kids are talented! Especially in the entertainment world.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Chris PASSED THE BAR EXAM! It's a happy day. Many prayers answered in the affirmative!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Happy 75 Happy Man!

Lee Huber is 75 today. Happy, honest, humble, friendly, faithful, determined, animated, nice, strong, forgiving, kind, sweet, whistling, positive, spiritual, obedient, hard working, funny, dedicated, genuine are some words that begin to describe him. I'm putting together a little booklet for him if you'd like to add a few describing words of your own.

For years he called many people on their birthdays. On his birthday he always calls Van Garner because they share the b-day. Call me for his number if you'd like to return the favor to him.

Friday, April 4, 2008

MLK Diahrama = Black Lily

Just for Christopher John A. Jones ~ and yes, good wives (Beth) remind husbands to be kind. Remember, Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Oatmeal is good for you, even if it is in your nose.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

#1 Award ~ Most Original Performance

Huber Family Fair entrys are always an array of talent and interest. This year's first prize (in my opinion) went to Dirk and Alexander Fulmer for their cane fighting exhibition. Masterfully executed, men! Other amazing displays, and talented dancers and pianists performed at the fair, but still, cane fighting = numero uno!

Here is an array of varied interests, not all included.

I think Ione would have been proud of my spring flowers this year. I even had a black cala lily and a bunch of white ones. They always remind me of her.

Easter egg dying was put off till Easter night but was just as fun. Pink and blue egg salad sandwiches for the next week were also a hit, except in the smell department.

Plastic eggs were the best for Oakley to crack, but there were so many exciting things going on that it didn't take long for him to move on to the real thing.

We finally got to see Bruce Jones talent displayed on Sunday night as he read a story to us with the help of Nicole. He would have performed at the Huber Family Fair but they missed it by a week. We're glad they are home to perform non-stop for us.