Friday, March 30, 2012

I Would Like to Come With You!

 Spring Break in AZ brought visitors.  We loved it!  Stephanie, McKenna and Bryce paved the way for finding museums and good places to eat.  Treehouse Museum is a fun one for interactive stuff.  They did have an "Elise" doll that was just like the Madam Alexander doll I got for Christmas when I was ten, except mine wears a wedding gown.
 Jones kids liked this museum too.  Caleb and Amy said they wanted to go back.  Maybe this summer!

 Hair wreath museum was tricky with our specialized strollers, but seeing the two headed lamb and all of the hair creations was one of Natalie's favorites, um, maybe not.  Huber Family Fair better watch out for the creation I'm planning when Mel's mustache comes off.
 Mel felt like he was hiking Paria with this amazing quilt.  The Church History Museum has some incredible art masterpieces.
 Touring to top of the Conference Center, our tour guide said that one of the missionaries that taught his family in Florida many years ago was from Safford, AZ, a Sister Allred.  He said that she had shiny legs because she wore nylon stockings.  He rubbed them and was told that young men do not rub ladies legs.

 Chase was so animated, continually.  He was also helpful.  He shared his lunch with Parker.
 We loved Chris, Beth and Sophia joining us as often as they could.  They even took a half day off work to visit the Museum, Tracy Aviary, and eat with us. 
 Right after this picture, Chase literally ran into David Archuleta.  Neither seemed to be impressed by running into a celebrity.
 We even toured Joe's Greenhouse.  It is a pretty impressive operation.

 The night before the Jones fam left, Chase peeked his head up through the doggie door, his favorite method of going in and out, and said, "I would like to come with you."  Oh, man!  How can that cute little face be refused?
 My friends Alayne and Suann came for Relief Society Conference.  Fun to see them.This is a random sampling of the March fun events.

"I would like to come with you."  Thanks to all who came with!  We loved it.

1 comment:

Sara! said...

I would like to come with YOU!! I'm so excited to have you "home" next week!! I'm hoping the irises will still be blooming for you!